Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hi Vis Silk Parachute Ant

Hi-Vis Silk Parachute Ant

Materials Needed:
Hook:  Dry Fly #14,16,18
Thread:  Black 8/0
Body:  Silk Dubbing-Black
Post:  Kreinik 1/8” Ribbon 051F  (or try 054F, 055F)
Hackle:  Grizzly

1.)  Tie in 1/8” Ribbon post 1/4 of the way back from hook eye.  Lay a piece of 1/8” Ribbon across the hook shank and tie down.  Then pull the two ends of the ribbon upward and wrap your tying thread several times around the post formed by the 1/8“ Ribbon so the ribbon ends are pointing upward. 

2.)  Wrap thread to bend of hook and build up the lower abdomen with Kreinik Silk Dubbing.

3.)  Wrap your tying thread forward to the post.  Trim the butt section of the hackle feather and tie the trimmed end right behind the parachute post.  Wrap the hackle around the post about 5 times.  Stroke the hackle barbs back, tie off hackle and trim excess.

4.)  Dub the front part of the ant body around the parachute post with Kreinik Silk Dubbing.  Make sure to dub the front so that it is smaller than the rear abdomen of the fly.  Whip finish and trim tying

5.)  Using the points of your scissors, pick the fibers of the 1/8” Ribbon post apart and trim to desired length.

Cinnamon Ant Variant:  Use Brown tying thread, Cinnamon Brown Silk Dubbing and Furnace Hackle.

Note:  The 1/8” Ribbon colors listed glow in the dark when exposed to light.  When fishing in low
light conditions, you can use a camera flash to make the post glow for a few minutes.

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